The original Power Rangers television series debuted in 1993, and for the past 25 years the series has never really disappeared, offering at least one new season a year. Now the nWay developer brings this story into a fighting game called Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid.
Battle for the grid is a team fighting game that will feature heroes and villains from the Power Rangers Cannon. Although we do not know exactly which characters will appear in the final game, nWay has announced four characters so far: Jason, the Red Ranger of the original Powerful Morphin Forest Rangers series; Tommy, the original Green Ranger; Lord Drakkon, Tommy's bad alter-ego; and Gia Moran, the Yellow Ranger of Super Mega Force TV shows. The game's website also appears to contain 11 other non-advertised characters. A press release from nWay also mentions "Lord Drakkon Evo II and Powerful Morphin Forest Rangers "Pink Ranger Characters", which can be skins for existing fighters or unique characters themselves. The game will also have a season pass that will contain three additional fighters.
This is not the first incursion of nWay into the universe of Power Rangers. In 2017, the developer released a game called Power Ranger: wars of inheritance on mobile platforms. The game was a hybrid battle and card game, and featured much slower fights than the ones we see in Battle for the gridTrailer of the ad.
Power Rangers: Battle for the grid should be released in April on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, a version for Windows being scheduled for later in the year. The game will be released in digital format for $ 19.99 and will offer a multi-platform game on PC, Switch and Xbox One.
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