Star Wars: Episode X – New details on rumors already disclosed [SPOILERS]


Recently, we shared some rumors claiming to be leaking from a scoop site. The following article adds a little more information on the part of the author of these rumors. So there is a chance for this article to contain SPOILERS for Star Wars: Episode 9 so check out one of our other stories if it's not for you.



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Cool, I will not detail everything that was in the original article that I wrote, you can read it yourself in the corresponding section below. I will mention the points developed in a podcast of MakingStarWars Jason Ward, originally from these original rumors. The podcast itself is currently only available to Patreon subscribers to the website, but will be released to everyone later today. The information I have here comes from a user who has already heard the podcast and who has listed the main points of totalization on a Reddit thread here.

RELATED: Star Wars: Episode IX – Rumor – The MacGuffin, The Knights of Ren and Beyond

The last time we heard that Ren's Knights would come back from a place called "The Beyond" and that this place would be a threat to both the First Order and the Rebels. There has also been mention of a new set of soldiers called Sith Troopers, but they have indicated that this name could well be a working name.

On top of that, Ward says he heard the Sith Troopers (no hint of Force powers that he knows, and he doubts) coming back from The Beyond with the Knights of Ren. That means that they are part of the threat to both sides is not mentioned. Regarding the Knights of Ren, Ward mentioned rumors that they would be UN Force users and said he had heard that some of the Knights were using the Force and others not.

Another thing mentioned previously was the rumor that Star Wars: Episode 9 would feature a MacGuffin and that this MacGuffin would be central to the plot and sought after by both sides. In addition, Ward now says his sources said MacGuffin would be perceived as a source of controversy for the general public, although it was described as delightful. He says that no one has told him exactly what he is doing despite some of his assumptions.

There are some other small pieces of information that do not add anything to the previous rumors of the site, but I will not go into detail here.

I imagine that it's difficult to provide insight or analysis of these additional rumors because A, we can not say for sure if it's correct, and B because we simply do not have the context to understand all of this. together consistently. I said in the last article that I doubted the effectiveness of introducing a "new threat" in concluding a trilogy.

I also said that I did not like the idea of ​​Sith soldiers, but then I assumed that it was most Force users, but the latest news suggests that this is not the case or, if so, no one knows it. And as for the MacGuffin, without us knowing if it's a place, a person or a thing, we can not really know how effective it will be in the movie.

We promised new updates, so go ahead, but remember to consider this as a rumor only for the moment. To be frank, (Your Majesty Hehe), it is highly unlikely that we would know much about the accuracy of some of these rumors before the release of the film. Tell us what you think in the usual place below.

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SOURCE: MSW (via Reddit)

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