A boat explodes near Auckland, injuring a


Northwest Auckland residents report hearing a "boom" before seeing a boat moored off the coast

Aucklander Tommy Cook arrived at Herald Island shortly after 7 pm after hearing

Herald Island is 25 km from the center of Auckland, and near Hobsonville, reached by a causeway.

Cook stated that the fire on the boat had been extinguished since arriving at the scene.

The person, who he believed to have managed to escape the

"A person who lives on the boat had moored right next to the island."

"Someone who was on the shore said that it seemed like it was starting to drift, when the explosion

There had been talk of a LPG tank at boating had caused the explosion

Cook said that several vehicles of St. John Ambulance remained on the scene, as well as two fire trucks and several police cars

.] A local, he spoke to, said that they felt the explosion […] despite being in a house several blocks from the waterfront.

A resident of Greenhithe told the Herald that he had seen no smoke or fire at the scene of the explosion.

"We heard and felt the explosion, I thought that it was like a cannon shot and it was very loud. "19659003" From the bottom of our garden we could hear people calling for help and screaming, and seeing the scene of one of the qua is neighbors

"Our neighbors have also heard and felt the noise, and they are a little further from the place than us."

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