A diving team looking for a man seen fighting in the Whanganui River


The police brigade will continue to search for a man who was last seen in the troubled Wanganui River Wednesday night later in the morning. (Photo file)


The police brigade will continue to search for a man who was last seen in the troubled Wanganui River Wednesday night later in the morning. (Photo file)

Research resumed for a man last seen at night in the Whanganui River on Wednesday night.

A police spokeswoman said the police police brigade would visit the scene later Thursday morning.

The man was last seen in the water at 7:05 pm near Whanganui Airport, police said.

The search and rescue teams were called overnight.


The search and rescue teams were called overnight.

READ MORE: Suspension of the search for a man last seen struggling in the Whanganui River

The search was interrupted during the night. Coastguards, lifeguards at sea and a Westpac rescue helicopter were trying to locate the man.

Police remained in the area on Thursday, but the man has not been found yet.

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