An earthquake of magnitude 5.2, centered off Nelson, was felt across the center of New Zealand.
The earthquake struck at 20km east of Nelson. On Sunday, GeoNet said
He described the shake as "moderate".
A bit of a Sunday tremor has people on both sides of the Cook Strait wondering if it was the wind or the earth. Our friends from GeoNet have confirmed it as an earthquake near Picton. Do not forget to drop, cover and hold if you feel another #eqnz https://t.co/oKCPrFKtd0
– MCDEM (@NZcivildefence) July 22, 2018 [19659009] More than 8,000 people reported feeling the earthquake shortly after, some as far away as Auckland and Christchurch.
A resident of Picton said that he had felt the earthquake, but he was not tall.
"It was just a normal shake, it just scolded, it did not do any damage, it just made the bottles shake."
I can not wait to return to Wellington this afternoon – bumpy flights and a vacant lot – I can not win! #eqnz
– Kelsie Inglis (@kiaorakelsie) July 22, 2018
10/10 does not recommend sitting under a lighting platform when there is an earthquake – the light that shook over my head was vaguely terrifying. #eqnz pic.twitter.com/RQ2DnO1W63
– emma maguire (@em_ma_maguire) July 22, 2018
Blow that seemed to come out of nowhere here in Thorndon, Wellington, then a long, gentle rocking tail that the wave has crossed. #eqnz
– Kevin Sweeney (@kjsgeo) July 22, 2018
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