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Prisons, oil and gas exploration and climate change will all be discussed in the last hour of questions this week.

Questions to Ministers – Parliament TV

1. Dr. DEBORAH RUSSELL to the Minister of Finance: What recent reports has he had on the cost of living?

2. DAVID SEYMOUR to Climate Change Minister: Can he confirm that modeling by NZIER under the Zero Carbon Bill's vast innovation scenario shows that the gross national income available per household for the purpose of Net zero issuance is $ 223,000, which is $ 10,000 lower than the baseline from 2018 to 2050; if so, what will be the impact on global temperatures in this scenario?

3. Hon PAULA BENNETT to the Prime Minister: Does he support all the policies and actions of his government?

4. PAUL EAGLE to the Minister of Housing and Urban Development: What progress, if any, has the government made in reducing homelessness this winter?

5. Hon. AMY ADAMS to Minister of Finance: Does it comply with all government statements, policies and actions regarding New Zealand's economy?

The Honorable Paul GOLDSMITH to the Minister of Regional Economic Development: Does he maintain all his statements and actions?

7. JENNY MARCROFT to the Minister of Defense: What recent reports has he received about the New Zealand Defense Forces that bring value to the community, the nation, or the world?

8. The Honorable Dr. NICK SMITH to the Minister of Justice: Does he maintain all his statements regarding the Electoral Amendment (Integrity) Bill?

9. JONATHAN YOUNG to the Minister of Energy and Resources: Does it subscribe to all its statements and actions regarding the government's decision to ban further oil and gas exploration at sea?

10. OJ LUXTON to the Minister of Trade and Consumer Affairs: What is the government doing to provide safe and appropriate lending options to vulnerable consumers?

11. Hon. DAVID BENNETT to the Minister of Correctional Services: Does he support any statements made in the capacity building literature on prison systems, including that the 1,500-bed facility in Waikeria is "the most effective and most cost effective to add to the penitentiary network "and that large-scale prisons" allow a full range of specialized facilities and rehabilitation programs "

.12 CHRIS BISHOP to the Minister of the police: Is he satisfied that the police behave appropriately with respect to his responsibilities under the Alcohol Sales and Supply Act, 2012

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