Amanda Bynes finally reveals everything after her "drug-induced" public collapse


"I literally could not stand my appearance in this movie and I did not like my performance, I was absolutely convinced that I had to stop playing after seeing it," she said. declared.

"I do not know if it was a drug-induced psychosis or anything, but it affected my brain in a different way than the others." people."

After leaving the theater, the She is the man The star revealed that she would be "stoned all day" and began to "hang out with a crowd of sowers".

"I really got used to drugs and the world became very dark and sad for me," she said.

Between 2012 and 2014, the actress appeared in court on several occasions for drug and alcohol charges and was placed on psychiatric waiting.

Bynes' many notorious attacks on Twitter have seen insulting celebrities such as Rihanna and Drake, wandering absurdly and even bringing charges of abuse to family members.

"I'm really ashamed and embarrassed by the things I've said, I can not go back but if I could, I would," said Bynes.

"And I'm really sorry for everyone I've hurt and lied to, because it really gnaws at me, it makes me feel so horrible and so sick and sad."

"Everything I worked for all my life, I ruined everything with Twitter."

The former child star recently studied fashion in Los Angeles and now plans to return to the theater.

"My advice to anyone with substance abuse problems is to be very careful because drugs can really take your life in hand," she told the magazine.

"You could lose everything and ruin your entire life as I did."


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