An action is requested for the diversion of the pop song by Karakia


The use of a karakia maori in a Korean pop song has prompted the government to step up its efforts and protect Maori intellectual property. Some say that Māoritanga's cultural appropriation is out of control.

"Tūturu o whiti whakamaua kia tina": the undulating song of the Maori marks the beginning of the last hit of the Korean group NCT 127 entitled Simon says.

The video clip has been viewed about seven million times since last week, but monitoring is difficult for Karaitiana Taiuru.

"I was a little shocked and disappointed, because of the words that were used … It's a karakia and for me, we make fun of us, our karakia," he said. .

Mr. Taiuru is a Maori digital expert and a member of the Maori Trademark Advisory Committee.

"There are a number of cultural issues for Maori, especially as our karakia is a way of talking with the atua.

"It should not be taken lightly and appropriately the way it was."

A committee member and researcher, Aroha Mead, said it was great that people wanted to share Maori culture, but the problem became problematic when it was taken without permission or understanding.

She said that karakia was used to close a discussion, so using it at the beginning of the song was telling.

"It already gives you the impression that they have not done any research," she said.

"What we see in the entertainment industry and in the fashion industry is that they simply take it.

"The magnitude of the problem becomes completely uncontrollable and overwhelming because it does not happen once a year, it happens almost every week."

At present, others may market Maori works without consent or recognition, and protection against derogatory uses of Maori art is virtually non-existent.

In 2011, the Waitangi Court issued a report on the Wai 262 complaint, highlighting the problem and calling for Maori intellectual property protection.

But Mrs. Mead said that it was seven years ago and that the Crown had not responded.

Aroha Mead says the process was not respectful.

Aroha Mead
Photo: Victoria University

"Obviously, it is very disappointing that the Crown did not respond to the Waitangi court report.

"This shows that we do not yet have rights in New Zealand with respect to Maori intellectual property rights, and that this really needs to become a priority."

Lawyer Maui Solomon represented 262 Wai plaintiffs and was one of 300 people present in Nelson about the problem in September.

"To have a substantial relationship with significant and significant results just to be completely ignored, I think people thought it was rather shameful," he said.

"This song from this Korean band is just a reminder that something needs to be done as soon as possible."

He added that Maori did not collect royalties from foreign companies and called for the creation of a Maori commission with powers of control of intellectual property.

"If other people outside the culture want to use it, they must seek prior permission to use it.

"And if there is a commercial aspect as in this song, there should be a contribution to the promotion of culture and reo."

Maori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta said the government could do more to protect Matauranga Māori and how it is being used today.

She added that work was under way to propose an approach to these issues and that more information would be provided when the Cabinet made its decision.

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