Stock analysts predict that Cimpress NV (NASDAQ: CMPR) will publish earnings per share of $ 0.03 for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks Investment Research. Analysts made estimates for Cimpress earnings, with an estimate of the lowest earnings per share at $ 0.01 and a high estimate at $ 0.05. Cimpress posted earnings per share of $ 0.20 in the same quarter of last year. Last year The company is expected to announce its next quarterly results after the close of trading on Wednesday August 1st.
According to Zacks, analysts expect Cimpress to announce earnings of $ 1.62 per share for the current fiscal year. Analysts expect the firm to post earnings of $ 3.12 per share in the next fiscal year, with earnings per share estimates ranging from $ 2.66 to $ 3.57. PES averages of Research are an average based on a survey of research analysts covering Cimpress
Cimpress (NASDAQ: CMPR) released its quarterly earnings data for the last time on Wednesday, May 2nd. The business services provider reported ($ 0.07) earnings per share for the quarter, with the exception of the Thomson Reuters consensus of $ 0.17 ($ 0.24). The company achieved a turnover of $ 636.07 million during the quarter, compared with the consensus estimate of $ 615.66 million. Cimpress recorded a net margin of 0.65% and a return on equity of 28.27%. The Cimpress business figure for the quarter is up 15.5% over the same quarter of last year. During the same period the previous year, the company earned ($ 1.38) earnings per share.
Several stock analysts have recently weighed on the stock. BidaskClub upgraded Cimpress shares from a "hold" rating to a "buy" rating in a research report on Wednesday, June 20th. Barrington Research set a target price of $ 165.00 on Cimpress shares and awarded a "buy" rating to the title in a research report on Thursday, May 24th. SunTrust Banks confirmed its "hold" rating and set a price target of $ 144.00 on Cimpress shares in a research report on Tuesday, May 8th. Aegis reaffirmed its "sell" rating and set a price target of $ 114.00 on Cimpress shares in a research report on Tuesday, May 8th. Finally, ValuEngine took Cimpress shares from a "sell" note to a "sustain" note in a research report on Wednesday, May 2nd. A stock research analyst evaluated the stock with a sales note, three issued a standby note and two issued a buy note to the company. The stock has a consensual rating of "Hold" and a consensus price target of $ 140.00
In other Cimpress news, CFO Sean Edward Quinn has sold 776 shares of the company in a transaction dated Thursday, May 31st. The shares were sold at an average price of $ 138.49, for a total value of $ 107,468.24. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which can be accessed through this link. In addition, insider Katryn Blake sold 9,297 shares of the company in a transaction dated Monday, May 7. The shares were sold at an average price of $ 140.61, for a total transaction of $ 1,307,251.17. As a result of the closing of the transaction, the insider now directly owns 15,776 shares of the Company, valued at $ 2,218,263.36. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Over the last ninety days, insiders sold 14,721 shares valued at $ 2,063,580. 18,80% of the stock belongs to insiders.
A number of hedge funds have recently added or reduced their holdings in the CMPR. Summit Trail Advisors LLC increased its holdings in Cimpress by 11,991.2% in the first quarter. Summit Trail Advisors LLC now holds 1,047,458 shares of the business services provider valued at $ 1,047,000 after purchasing 1,038,795 additional shares during the period. BlackRock Inc. increased its holdings in Cimpress by 15.3% in the first quarter. BlackRock Inc. now holds 1,323,519 shares of the business services provider valued at $ 204,749,000 after purchasing 175,524 additional shares during the period. Two Sigma Advisers LP increased its holdings in Cimpress by 1,870.0% in the fourth quarter. Two Sigma Advisers LP now holds 110,615 shares of the business services provider's business valued at $ 13,261,000 after purchasing 105,000 additional shares during the period. UBS Group AG increased its holdings in Cimpress by 102.9% in the first quarter. UBS Group AG now holds 2,719 shares of the business service provider valued at $ 421,000 after purchasing 95,255 additional shares during the period. Finally, Great Lakes Advisors LLC increased its holdings in Cimpress by 63.4% in the first quarter. Great Lakes Advisors LLC now holds 97,968 shares of the business services provider's business valued at $ 15,156,000 after purchasing an additional 38,025 shares during the period. 89.78% of the stock is currently held by hedge funds and other institutional investors.
Cimpress shares traded at $ 1.71, trading at $ 150.95 during trading hours on Tuesday, according to Marketbeat. The company had a trading volume of 58,339 shares, compared to its average volume of 135,106. The company has a market capitalization of $ 4.64 billion, a retirement capital ratio of -112.65, a ratio of PEG 2.42 and a beta of -0.14. Cimpress has a 12-month low of $ 80.61 and a 12-month high of $ 171.76. The company has a debt ratio of 9.51, a liquidity ratio of 0.54 and a ratio of 0.40.
About Cimpress
Cimpress NV is a company based in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Asia-Pacific and the United States. world. It individually aggregates custom orders for a range of printing products, signage, clothing and related products, primarily via the Internet. The company operates through four segments: Vistaprint, Upload and Print, National Pen, and all other activities
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