Apple faces a class action lawsuit against lack of filters in MacBooks and iMacs, causing the formation of trapped dust


Apple is facing a class action lawsuit that accuses the company of failing to install filters on fans in MacBooks and iMacs, which has the effect of reducing processor speed and speed. filter stains from trapped dust, resulting in costly repairs for consumers.

The news of the lawsuit was published today by Hagens Berman, the firm in charge of the case.

"Apple is today the most valuable company in the world because consumers trust it to produce reliable and quality products, yet it has not been able to solve one of the problems the simplest and best known of the tech community: the accumulation of dust, "said Steve Berman, managing partner and co-founder of Hagens Berman. "This filter defect costs Apple owners hundreds of dollars in repairs, and Apple refuses to assume its responsibilities."

"We intend to hold Apple accountable for this expensive flaw affecting millions of its computers," Berman added.

According to the lawsuit, some iMac, iMac Pro, MacBook Pro, MacBook, and MacBook Air users have found dark spots and stains on the inside of their computer screens, as well that excessive slowness due to heating problems due to the lack of filtering in these devices.

The computer sucks in air to cool its components, but in the absence of filter, the dust is trapped inside. This affects the screen and the logic board of the computer, causing dust stuck behind the screen and erasing the motherboards, which slows down and / or overheats the computer.

Dust accumulated in the air would affect the screen and the motherboard, causing screen smudges and heat regulation issues.

Hagens Berman says that Apple has billed its customers for machines with no warranty greater than $ 600 to solve these problems. The lawsuit indicates that the iMac and MacBook models from 2013 to 2018 are affected.

Several plaintiffs are named in the lawsuit, including a black-dot photographer on the screen of his Mac, a user who had traces on his iMac who had to pay $ 600 for a replacement after five months, and a third owner from iMac who saw Dark Smudges shortly after making a purchase. Its screen and motherboard have been replaced several times, resulting in high bills.

The purpose of the class action lawsuit is to obtain monetary compensation for Mac owners, particularly for screens that "did not perform as expected", for repair costs, and for those who sold their computers at a loss due to black marks. on the screen or poor performance.

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