Apple publishes the first iPad


Former Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, introduced the iPad in January 2010, but April 3 was the first day that normal people could get a device that represented the vision of the world. Apple for the future of computing. This sounds like a very ambitious goal for a device that many have described as derisory "giant iPod touch" when it was announced, but Jobs did not fail to darken during this first presentation. He called the iPad "our most advanced technology in a magical and revolutionary device" and since Apple has been referring to this device with reverence – even if it was not not really the revolution that Jobs had predicted.

In a way, Apple's vision for the iPad has been consistent since its arrival nine years ago. If you go back in time until 2010 and you hand over a brand new iPad to someone who had just come out of a store (like the brand new iPad Air), he would immediately understand the # 39; device. Basically, it's still an all-screen device of similar size and weight, which adapts its interface to the application you use.

Of course, the iPad has also undergone significant changes since 2010. And it's a good thing, because the original iPad was a first-generation classic Apple product: convincing, but imperfect. On the one hand, he was rather malnourished. The single-core A4 chip had only 256 MB of RAM, which means that iOS 5 (released late 2011) was the last software update received. In a world where most iPhones and future iPads were getting software updates for years, it was a shame for the first users.

The material design, while releasing a typical Apple varnish, was also significantly improved a year later with the iPad 2. The original iPad weighed more than 1.5 kg, which made it a bit heavy to keep during long sessions. The iPad 2 significantly reduces the weight and thickness while adding the intelligent cache of Apple to keep the screen clean. It also had a dual-core A5 chip and twice as much RAM, which allowed Apple to keep the iPad 2 on sale for three years and provide it with software updates up to $ 500. in 2016. The company has even added cameras, making the iPad the must-have video chat. tool was supposed to be.

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