Auckland ports responsible for the swimmer's death


Ports of Auckland and a staff member were charged with the death of ocean swimmer Leslie Gelberger.

The high school teacher died on April 20 last year and his body, which was missing a leg, was discovered the next day by a ferry in Mairangi Bay in Auckland

Ports of Auckland confirmed the # 39 initial investigation as they thought that one of their boats was involved.

The police were also investigating the incident but handed over to Maritime New Zealand and Maritime NZ appeared in court on April 19 and laid charges against the company for failing to comply with the duty that caused the death of an individual, under section 48 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. act.

million. Gelberger was a teacher at Westlake Girls High School and was the only source of income for his family at the time of his death.

"I lost my best friend, the best father of my boys and the" Mrs. McLeod told Newshub

that the couple had moved from Canada three years ago with their two older sons seven and five years

in the Auckland District Court on July 17.


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