Aucklanders charged $ 650 for renting with maggots and dog droppings under the carpet


Tenants who paid $ 650 a week for an Auckland property found maggots and excrement under the carpet.

Jacqueline Gough and another tenant moved into the house at Albany Heights in February, paying $ 650.

But after their first night in their new home, they woke up to find bites on their faces, torso and arms, according to a recent decision of the Rental Court.

They were bitten again the next night and then launched flea bombs to try to end their night situation.

They removed the rug and said they found maggots and animal droppings. Robertson, he agreed to terminate the lease immediately and stated that they would not be responsible for the fees.

But the landlord then took the tenants to court, seeking $ 835 in rent, the cost of $ 276 to load a container with tenants' personal belongings

"Mr. Robertson is a representative of the owner "said Day.

"He informed the tenants that the tenancy would end immediately and they would not be responsible for the rent.The tenants followed this advice and left the place.Mr Robertson can not change any more notice and claim the rent that he advised to tenants for whom they were not responsible.The tenancy was terminated by agreement without any liability on the part of the tenants. "

The landlord also claimed $ 768 for the cost the replacement of the carpet, which the renter would not have to remove.

But Day rejected this claim and He stated that the carpet had been "laid in the 1970s and that it was therefore well beyond its estimated lifespan. "

Landlord's claims failed, as well as tenant's counterclaims

. get $ 140 for cleaning fee, $ 763 spent on renting A container p to move their property, $ 800 in lost income claimed and $ 1099 spent on a new mattress after their wet in the move.


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