Bad sleep related to arterial accumulation


The research we are monitoring

According to a study published in the January issue of January, lack of prolonged sleep could lead to an accumulation of fat in the arteries. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The researchers measured the sleep quality of 3,974 people with no history of heart disease.

Participants wore a sleep monitor for seven days and were then classified according to their sleep level: short sleep (six to seven hours per night), reference sleep (seven to eight hours a night), and prolonged sleep (more than eight hours). hours per night). . The authors of the study also examined the sleep fragmentation of participants throughout the night. They then compared these findings to measures of arterial accumulation in the heart and other parts of the body.

Short sleepers had greater arterial accumulation throughout the body, relative to the reference group. People with the most fragmented sleep were more likely to have artery buildup in many different areas of the body outside the heart. However, the researchers found no difference between sleep groups with respect to coronary artery accumulation.

Even so, the results should give you another reason to want a good night's sleep.

Image: © elenaleonova / Getty Images

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