The lasers are fine, but if the anime has taught me something, you need a blade the size of a truck. Published today, Flashpoint is the first of three extensions planned for Battletech, the Harebrained Scheme's merchant manager stompybot. There are three new mechs (including Hatchetman, a melee lover, above), a new type of mission for lighter mechs, sunny tropical planets, and a major extension of the final phase. The hotspots are a set of mini-mercenary campaigns with decisions to make and potentially great rewards. Plus, a huge new patch is out.
The update of the new extension comes with a massive patch. Version 1.3 adds new features, the most important of which is Career mode. By skipping the main story, he gives you a ship, a random set of mechs and pilots, then drops you off in a water holding system and asks you to make your own fortune. If you have Flashpoint development, it will also include these new scenarios, which will give free mercenaries a lot of things to do. Oh, and Career mode is set to Ironman mode by default. You will have to live with these costly mistakes and bad rolls of dice.
In addition to the new mode, new commercial contracts are proposed by pirate clans, new equipment must be found (including LosTech equipment) and a factional system rework. As you improve your representative with one faction, you will be less and less loved by their enemies. Potentially limiting, but the people who, like you, will offer you more lucrative (and difficult) jobs and you will sell top quality products in their new store specific to their faction. There are even some new events to spice up your space trip. All this is separate from Flashpoint and free for everyone – you can see the full patch notes here.
Two other mechanics join Hatchetman: the medium-weight, sturdy and sturdy crab, and the most specialized of the Cyclops, a heavy but lightly armored command unit. HBS believes that there is much to do with Flashpoint and estimates that the execution of new scenarios will take about 30 hours. If this figure is correct, it's not half bad for the first of the three extensions. The second, planned for the summer, will focus on urban combat. At the end of the game, the package will be impressive, especially considering the extent of free updates.
Flashpoint is available, and you can find it here on Steam, Humble and GOG for $ 13.94 / $ 17.99 / $ 17.99. Alec is working on a complete exam, but you'll just have to be patient – it sounds like a big piece of mechanical warfare.
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