Bridges completes 70 public meetings


The leader of the National Party has completed a tour in New Zealand and is encouraged by the response.

  National Chief Simon Bridges addresses a packed house of the Warkworth RSA

house at RSA Warkworth.
Photo: RNZ / Sarah Murphy

Simon Bridges held over 70 public meetings across the country as part of his Connecting with Communities Roadshow.

He says he spoke to about 10,000 New Zealanders. "I think what has been done has allowed me, as the leader of the largest party in New Zealand, the National Party, to think about how we can develop policies that are relevant and in harmony with people. I have come to meetings with New Zealand, but it also gives me confidence that we are on the right track and that people are fundamentally in tune with our economic direction.

million. Bridges says that the economy, crime, housing, He says that it is the first step of the preparation of the election of 2020, and the next step will be to highlight political options , before launching specific plans.

worried about the lack of government leadership and the often ill-conceived, chaotic and destructive decisions.

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