Bungie reveals the size of the raid of the black arsenal of Destiny 2 – Game Rant


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It will not be long before Bungie provides Destiny 2 next major update of the sci-fi shooter, Black Armory, and no doubt that very many Guardians are ready for that the release date of the DLC raid is finally here. While the players wait patiently for the arrival of the new activity of the final phase, the developer has recently decided to give fans a more precise idea of ​​the extent of the raid.

It's not so long ago, a Redditor and Destiny 2 A fan with the pseudonym "Who_is_Rem" noticed that the term "Raid Lair" that was previously in the content calendar of the Black Armory DLC had been renamed "Raid". This has led to speculation about the official subtitle of the game as to whether the upcoming event would actually be a full-scale raid. In response to this question, Chris "Cozmo23" Shannon, community leader at Bungie, said the new raid will be "bigger than the dens, but smaller than Last Wish".

destiny-2-black-armory raid-size-guardian

Further down in the Reddit feed, other users have added that the entries in Destiny 2'Collections and Triumphs always refers to what is a' raid den 'and not specifically a' raid '. In addition, since Cozmo23 did not explicitly state that the end-of-game activity of the Black Armory DLC will actually be a full-size raid, the question of what exact terminology must be attached to the content to describe it .

Given all this, it will be interesting to see if Bungie finally chooses to engage and openly declare that the Black Armory DLC raid is "normal size", or any iteration to appease the fans. However, given that Cozmo preceded his aforementioned statement, "raids are of different sizes", there is a good chance that players will not discover the precise scale and range before the release of the raid itself. In any case, whether it's a "raid" or a "raid den", most, if not all, goalies will have their eyes riveted on the race for the world premiere.

Destiny 2 is now available for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Source: Reddit

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