CAA urges pilots to stay abreast of incoming drone regulations


The United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority highlighted the upcoming changes in drone regulations prior to their implementation as of August 1.

In late May, the government released an amendment.

New rules, announced on May 30, prohibit drones from flying more than 400 feet and less than 1 km from airport boundaries.

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The laws will come into force on July 30 and will require owners of drones weighing 250g or more to register with the authority of Civil Aviation (CAA) and to do an online safety test to make sure that the British sky is up to irresponsible Flyers. These requirements will come into effect on November 30, 2019.

Prior to the July deadline, the CAA issued a new report, Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2018 – Guide for Small Unmanned Aircraft, which details the following: impact of pilot drone changes.

All operators currently holding a permit, exemption or approval for small unmanned aircraft will be required to update all their operating manuals accordingly. This must be done before any submission of a request to the CAA.

Baroness Sugg, Minister of Aviation, said that the country is experiencing a rapid growth in the number of drones used commercially.

the industry to innovate and grow, we must protect planes, helicopters and their passengers against the increasing number of drones in our sky. These new laws will help ensure that drones are used safely and responsibly. "

Meanwhile, Chris Woodroofe, chief operating officer at Gatwick Airport, welcomed the new rules

. used responsibly. These clear rules, combined with new surveillance technology, will help the police to apprehend and prosecute anyone who endangers the traveling public. "

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