Candidates can earn up to $ 180,000 to qualify for KiwiBuild Homes


You will be able to earn up to $ 180,000 in couples to qualify for one of the Government's 100,000 new affordable KiwiBuild houses, but to get in, you will have to participate in a poll – and be a Kiwi.

Phil Twyford, Minister of Housing and Urban Development, unveils terms and conditions of new program to develop 50,000 new homes in Auckland

Today, the government's ambitious agenda to restore Affordable homeownership marks a milestone, said Mr. Twyford. 19659002] "With the first KiwiBuild houses about to be completed soon and many more in the pipeline, we are now at a stage where the KiwiBuild Unit can open its doors and invite people." People can check the eligibility criteria and will soon be able to pre-qualify for the first houses under construction and the thousands of others that will be built by KiwiBuild in the coming years, "at- he says.

"All eligible buyers will have an equal chance of owning a KiwiBuild at home at cost price"

The eligibility criteria for KiwiBuild home buyers are as follows: [19659002] • First-time home buyers or "second chanciers"
• New Zealand citizens, permanent residents or ordinarily resident in New Zealand
• Having the intention of owning and / or owning living there for at least three years
• Income under $ 120,000 for single buyers and $ 180,000 for couples

"We know that New Zealander income Phil Twyford says," For example, a couple teaching Ants can have a combined income of $ 150,000 to $ 170,000. For a nurse and a police officer earning more than $ 120,000, and for a living engineer alone, $ 90,000. Ten or so years ago, these families could have offered a home, but they are now out of the market. "

Research shows that, corrected for inflation, the median home of Auckland now costs $ 650,000 more than it did 25 years ago. 19659002] In March 2018, the median home price was $ 851,250, up from $ 433,813 in March 2009. In addition to Queenstown and Auckland, other areas that experienced steady house price growth like Whangarei, are also experiencing strong growth. rising prices have a particularly significant impact on young New Zealanders struggling to enter the housing market.

Overall, only a quarter of adults under 40 have their own home, compared to half in 1991

. The week marks the official start of the KiwiBuild program, where homes built under the program will count for the official government target.

"The first year, we will deliver 1,000 KiwiBuild homes, with full production ramp up." Said Mr. Twyford

"This is the largest homebuilding program supported by the # 39. State for generations. "

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