Cats dying from an alleged intoxication by antifreeze


Veterinarians urge cat owners to be vigilant after soaring the number of pets killed as a result of antifreeze poisoning.

The Carlyle Veterinary Clinic is one of many Napier clinics that have seen cases of healthy young cats with severe acute kidney failure – a result of poisoning.

Known areas include Taradale, Tamatea and Maraenui.

Associate vet Siobhan Ellis said the clinic had witnessed four suspected cases in the past two weeks, but that she had heard of a number of others through word of mouth .

Ellis explained that each cat presented a presentation, apparent clinical signs and how quickly they deteriorated.

She said it was not something that they saw very often, with twice last year.

"Antifreeze is something that is used in cars, so either by licking it off someone's garage floor, or, possibly, if someone poisons a cat, he could put it on on meat.

"It's perfect for all animals, including cats."

Ellis recommended that owners keep their pets at night. If a cat has symptoms, urgent medical attention is needed.

"In all honesty, if someone does it maliciously, it will be very, very difficult to stop because they are cats and we can not control them and keep them at home at all times. "

Dr. Stephanie Preston of CareVets Napier has had a confirmed case and another suspected case of poisoning in the past three months.

One was wandering, while the other had a landlord.

"They came not thinking that they would go home without a cat, so it was a big shock to them.

"It's pretty rare and especially here where there's not too much need for antifreeze very often in winter because it's not so cold." In terms of its use and accidental licking of cats, that should not happen here. "

Preston said that it was very difficult to save a cat addicted to antifreeze.

"It happens so fast."

After the death of a cat, they could verify the presence of a "certain type of crystal in the urine that confirms it".

A spokeswoman for the SPCA said she did not have active investigations at this time on antifreeze poisoning.

"There are no national or local statistics showing the number of antifreeze or other intoxications."

Under the Animal Welfare Act of 1999, a person may be sentenced to five years in prison for bodily harm, to a fine of up to $ 100,000, or to both.

Ethylene glycol poisoning was observed in three stages:
Step 1: This occurs within 30 minutes to 12 hours and resembles alcoholic intoxication. Signs of walking drunk, drool / hypersalivation, vomiting, convulsions, vomiting, excessive thirst and urination.
2nd step: This occurs 12 to 24 hours after the introduction of antifreeze into a dog or cat, and signs of "alcohol" poisoning appear to disappear, while severe underlying internal damage still occurs. The signs of drunkenness seem to improve, but signs of increased heart rate, increased breathing effort and dehydration may begin to develop.
Step 3: In cats, this stage occurs 12 to 24 hours after the passage to antifreeze. During this phase, severe renal failure develops following the formation of calcium crystals in the kidneys. Severe lethargy, coma, depression, vomiting, convulsions, drooling and inappetence can be seen.

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