ChannelLife NZ – Tech Data Signs Agreement to Distribute Gemalto Suite in A / NZ


After joining the Australian and New Zealand chain (A / NZ) via the Avnet acquisition, which closed in the first quarter of 2017, Tech Data has set its sights firmly floor.

The company sealed a partnership late last week to distribute a range of Parallels products to the A / NZ market and now Tech Data has announced it has signed another distribution agreement for A / NZ with specialist Gemalto cybersecurity.

The agreement states that Tech Data will add Gemalto's suite of digital security technologies and services to its security portfolio, including advanced authentication, cloud access, encryption, and security. data and encryption key management.

Wendy O'Keeffe is pleased to have reached an agreement with Gemalto because she is convinced that her benefits will be generalized.

"Digital security offerings offer an opportunity says O & # 39; Keeffe.

" Gemalto's leading identity and data protection portfolios, coupled with deep expertise and insights Tech Data's complementary technology offerings will enable us to create world-class security solutions for our partners. "

Gemalto Regional Director for A / NZ Graeme Pyper is confident that the partnership will be more important than the sum of its parts.

"The strength of Tech Data's next-generation security solutions lies in their proactive approach to security threats and their ability to equip their partners with the knowledge and skills they need to protect their customers." , says Pyper, Gemalto's complete authentication and data protection solutions, Tech Data partners can now These services are in high demand in the region and enable businesses to effectively meet their business, security and privacy objectives.

Earlier this year, the global distributor announced a new partnership program for A / NZ. StreamOne Cloud Marketplace in the region.

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