Hamilton City Council is expected to establish tighter guidelines between governance and management roles after a report revealed that its mayor had been wrongly involved in planning and discussions for buy and sell buildings along Victoria St. The NZ Audit Independent Report released today has allowed the board to give a significant benefit to both proponents, Matt Stark and Leonard Gardner, when they were made aware of Victoria's expansion proposal on the River
. Audit NZ recommended that the board establish clearer boundaries between governance and management and who is responsible for what should be included in the proposals to advisors.
He also found that the board followed an unusual process of making significant long-term proposals, but accepted because of time constraints and commercial sensitivity.
Hamilton Mayor Andrew King Attended meetings with the two promoters after a board meeting in September where the board decided that the board's chief executive, Richard Briggs, approached homeowners to evaluate their Will to sell was criticized by Lyn Daken, Assistant Director of Audit and Insurance. The Mayor later met with the owners (at the invitation of the Director General) and informed the architect of the "vision" to be grasped in the conceptual conceptions, "reads the report [19659002]. the dividing line between governance and leadership in developing the proposal after the September 21 meeting. "
Audit NZ stated that the management had been delegated responsibility for developing the initial feasibility, design and costs and did not think the mayor
The King had a different opinion, according to the report. [19659008] Hamilton Mayor Andrew King is busy with tasks that should have been managed, a NZ Audit Report found. ” src=”” data-srcset=”//www.nzherald.co.nz/resizer/54cy4o4XJUQXFskR7II2MRaklEU=/320×480/smart/filters:quality(70)/arc-anglerfish-syd-prod-nzme.s3.amazonaws.com/public/FQY7Y3HMXREEPPFJUU2CKNAYPA.jpg 320w,//www.nzherald.co.nz/resizer/XMRVPlI-YMfFnZ8Yj_9H2Cg1J4Q=/375×562/smart/filters:quality(70)/arc-anglerfish-syd-prod-nzme.s3.amazonaws.com/public/FQY7Y3HMXREEPPFJUU2CKNAYPA.jpg 375w,//www.nzherald.co.nz/resizer/S8DEmxCay4VG_nktHOxhDR2oN1U=/620×930/smart/filters:quality(70)/arc-anglerfish-syd-prod-nzme.s3.amazonaws.com/public/FQY7Y3HMXREEPPFJUU2CKNAYPA.jpg 620w”/>
. According to the report, King also recommended the architect Edwards White because it had been used for the initial Victoria on the river park and was informed of the proposal, in our opinion, this should have been asked the council as a whole.the architect on his vision.
His vision for the park has also changed from a passive green space that he has initially shared with the elected members to one with the activation and some remaining buildings, which according to the listener may have been influenced by his conversations with Stark and Gardner
As a result, the costs of the park made by the staff at the same time were for a passive park and did not reflect the new plans, which, with less than
Allegations that Stark and Gardner would receive a commercial advantage were unfounded and investigators were unaware that Promoters were buying properties as part of a joint venture created last November.
Director Richard Briggs also discharged his responsibilities related to the resolution of the council as best as he could within the time frame he had.
Briggs, in a statement released today, said the report confirmed the board's processes, including the discussion. "The report concludes that it is reasonable to conclude that a property purchase was not due to these discussions, and it states categorically that it is impossible that any other purchases nearby were impacted because these transactions took place well in advance of the discussions. "
The report will be tabled at a council meeting next Thursday.