Dell Celebrates the Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs in Canada | Dell | Canada | women entrepreneurs


The Dell computer manufacturer will celebrate the empowerment of women entrepreneurs around the world at a three-day world summit to be held Sunday in this Canadian metropolis

"The Ninth Edition Dell's Annual Women's Enterprise Network (DWEN), July 15, 17 connects women entrepreneurs around the world with networks, sources of capital, knowledge and technology, "said Dell Technologies, a US-based company. communicated before the event

. founders and entrepreneurs from countries like Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, China, Denmark, France, India , Israel, Japan and the United States to discuss the growth and growth of their businesses Businesswomen from all over the world met in San Francisco, USA, Cape Town, South Africa , in Berlin, Germany, in New Delhi and in Shanghai, China, among other cities

. Karen Quintos, Senior Vice President, Christine Fraser, Executive Director for Australia and New Zealand Angela Fox are among the other people who will be attending the three-day event.

The leaders of other technology companies like the chip maker Intel The Director of Canada, Elaine Mah, the head of the social software division of Microsoft Canada, Roisin Bonner, the investment banker Ernst & Young Erlst & Young's Marla Brefka Heller and Canada's Minister of Small Business and Tourism, Bardish Chagger, are the keynote speakers. on topics such as the power of women at work, women who fund women-led businesses and the future of work.

Although women entrepreneurs worldwide are estimated at 274 million, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor for 2016-17. we know that companies receive less investment than those run by men, which indicates a clear gender bias.

Dear Dana Kanze revealed that only 2% of venture capital funds are awarded to women entrepreneurs in the United States, even though they own 38% of businesses in the richest country

. To succeed in business, the event will give women the opportunity to explore ways to obtain funding from various women investors.

The Summit will also publish a Dell Women Entrepreneur Cities Index (WE Cities), a gender-specific index In 1965, the WE Cities Index released at a similar summit in San Francisco revealed that the Indian capital New Delhi ranked 49th in 50 countries, with New York at the top of the list. 19659013] [ad_2]
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