Disney gives no merit to the lawsuit brought by a resort company in Malaysia


The lawsuit against Genting Malaysia Resort developer, who claims a breach of a recreational park contract, has been brought to justice by Walt Disney Company and the Fox Entertainment Group.

The lawsuit filed yesterday in California Central District Court alleges damages for Fox's withdrawal from an agreement reached in 2013 on the intellectual property of a Fox World amusement park. located at Resort World Genting, a sprawling property perched on a mountain in Malaysia.

Genting theme park is photographed at Genting Highland Resort in Pahang, Malaysia.


Genting theme park is photographed at Genting Highland Resort in Pahang, Malaysia.

The theme park would have been Fox's first. According to Genting's complaint, Fox issued a "notice of default" aimed at terminating the agreement.

The acquisition of 21st Century Fox by Disney has apparently caused problems, as the resort of Genting includes a casino, which is at odds with the position of Disney against the game.

A visitor takes a photo of the Genting Attraction Park from the Genting Highland Resort in Pahang, Malaysia.


A visitor takes a photo of the Genting Attraction Park from the Genting Highland Resort in Pahang, Malaysia.

"The claims made against Disney in this case are totally unfounded," Disney said in a statement.

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Despite disagreements over the specific terms of the agreement, Genting said that Fox had no reason to withdraw. The complaint also alleges that Disney and 21st Century Fox interfered with the contract and caused the violation of Twentieth Century Fox Licensing and Merchandising, a subsidiary of Fox Entertainment.

In this photo from February 14, 2010, Tan Sri Kok Kok Thay, developer of the Malaysian group Genting, cuts a ceremonial ribbon to open a casino in Singapore.

Joan Leong JOAN LEONG / AP

In this photo from February 14, 2010, Tan Sri Kok Kok Thay, developer of the Malaysian group Genting, cuts a ceremonial ribbon to open a casino in Singapore.

Genting claims to have invested nearly $ 180 million in the Fox project. Its latest quarterly report indicated that the group was focusing on developing its resort and preparing for the rollout of the much-anticipated 20th Century Fox theme park and another attraction, the Skytropolis covered theme park.

The opening of the Fox Theme Park was planned for the first half of 2019.

Visitors visit the Genting Attraction Park at Genting Highland Resort in Pahang, Malaysia. Genting Malaysia resort developer has sued in California, claiming at least $ 1 billion in damages to Walt Disney Company and Fox Entertainment Group for alleged violation of the theme park contract.


Visitors visit the Genting Attraction Park at Genting Highland Resort in Pahang, Malaysia. Genting Malaysia resort developer has sued in California, claiming at least $ 1 billion in damages to Walt Disney Company and Fox Entertainment Group for alleged violation of the theme park contract.

Genting theme park is photographed at Genting Highland Resort in Pahang, Malaysia.


Genting theme park is photographed at Genting Highland Resort in Pahang, Malaysia.

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