Disputes over movie pay are not the fault of Netflix


  Presences are continuing despite the increased use of streaming services such as Netflix.


Attendance is maintained despite increased use of streaming Services such as Netflix

Minimum wage increases, not Netflix pressure, are behind pay disputes in movie theaters country, a business commentator said

Unite Union was Saturday distributing free popcorn to Hoyts cinemas around the country.

They were told that if they went on strike for any period, they would be excluded from their jobs until the end of July, the union said. accept a wage offer that would make virtually all of them, the minimum wage, disappear with the existing rewards for skills and service over the next three years.

READ MORE: Event Cinema and Unite Union reach agreement after recent strike action [19659007] "Currently, staff receive 21c more per hour above the minimum wage after 360 hours of work, then another 32c after 18 months A similar margin for skills and service is paid by Event Cinemas.This margin will be virtually eliminated under the agreement that the company is trying to impose. "

Unite stated that Hoyts' supervisors were already paid less than those at the movie theaters and that the department heads were paid $ 2 less per hour. National Union Unity Director, Mike Treen , said the event negotiations had allowed all employees to gradually leave the minimum wage as their skills increased.After the first year, all employees will be entitled to a salary increase of e 4 to 6%.

Rod McNaughton, vice-dean and professor at the Department of Management and International Trade at the University of Auckland Business School, said it is unlikely that the wage disputes of the Theaters were caused by pressure on the margins of streaming video services such as Netflix.

"The environment in which movie theaters operate is dynamic," he said. Unite Union says cinemas make a lot of money selling hedges like popcorn "title =" "src =" https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/j/ w / 2 / v / i / image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.620×349.1qpbp8.png / 1530928200782.jpg "class =" photoborder "/>


Movie theaters make a lot of money selling hingles like popcorn, says Union Unite. consolidation in the sector. However, global evidence shows that modest growth in film production is supported alongside rapid growth in streaming. "

He stated that global drivers of change in the industry were unlikely to be significant factors in wage conflict.

" The main issue is the 75c increase of minimum wage introduced at the end of last year.

"Technology has reduced the need for specialized knowledge in the industry, and wages are not rising quickly with experience. The increase in the minimum wage has resulted in significant wage compression, because those who have experience or more responsibilities have not seen their pay rates increase proportionately, increase in all areas, but this is not justified by increased productivity. how minimum wage increases can exert inflationary pressures on wages across the economy. "

Treen said that movie theaters were talking about pressure on the industry whenever the union was negotiating. "The film industry is changing image, turning into bars and cafes … they are making a transition according to what they offer." [19659007] Hoyts has been approached to comment

Susan Hornsby-Geluk, Employment Law Attorney He stated that it was in his right to threaten personal strike lockout.

"It's a pretty aggressive action and can be considered threatening … but as employees have the right to strike, employers are allowed to lock-out." 19659029] – Articles

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