Dual citizenship cases must be referred to the courts


The long saga of dual citizenship could be completed for current and former federal MPs with the High Court to rule on writs concerning them.

The court is to render rulings on federal MPs during the debacle, which has caused multiple resignations and by-elections in 2017 and 2018.

Scott Ludlam, Malcolm Roberts, Nick Xenophon, Matt Canavan, Bob Day, Barnaby Joyce, Rod Cullet, Katy Gallagher and Derryn Hinch are listed Mr. Joyce, who was re-elected to his New England headquarters after realizing that he was a New Zealand citizen, is also enrolled in a hearing hearing.

has two hearings listed, with Mr Ludlam and former Greens Senator Larissa Waters.

Article 44 of the constitution prohibits dual citizens from sitting in the federal parliament, but a number of deputies have not renounced their citizenship from other countries or are not awa re they had it.

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