Emmerdale Spoilers: The main character dies in horror?


(Image: ITV / Metro.co.uk)

There is a catastrophe heading towards Emmerdale when a character is left for dead in a hit-and-run accident caused by a drunkard Daz Spencer. But who has it touched – and will they survive while Daz is hurrying after seeing what he's done?

The drama begins when teenagers continue to cause chaos with pranks. Under the impulse of Leanna Cavanagh, the group floods the school toilets before releasing some animals from the vets. Daz is worried that Amelia has gone astray and warns Noah to stay away from her.

But that only serves to give Noah an idea of ​​the next joke and he and Leanna will soon find the key to Daz's car before taking Amelia to the joyous ride. Leanna seems to think it was Amelia's idea by filming her, but as she speeds up, Amelia attacks Leanna to try to stop him and eventually breaks the car.

(Photo: ITV)

Meanwhile, Daz is ecstatic when he finds his new job, and then his new boss, Trish, suggests that they return home to sign papers. They have already drunk a few drinks, so head for a cab, but when Daz mistakenly assumes that Trish is playing for him, he tells him that it will not be his gaming thing.

(Photo: ITV)

Trish is disgusted and after telling Daz that she is married, he is forced to get off the cab. Failed, alone and drunk, Daz goes home and sees his own car abandoned by the children. He gets on and starts driving home while the limit is exceeded but Noah has left his phone in the car and when he rings, Daz is distracted and hits someone.

He gets out of the car and sees who he hit before panicking and running away. But who did he hit – and are they dead?

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