Evacuations after a fire at the Middlemore Hospital, south of Auckland


  A rescue team was sent to the hospital to mop the sprinklers water


Visitors were evacuated from the Middlemore Hospital in South Auckland after a fire broke out.

A spokesman for Fire and Emergency said that a small fire had declared in one of the hospital buildings. 8:15 pm Tuesday.

A patient said that she could smell smoke from where she was in Edmund Hillary's building, but she said that a hospital chief of staff told him that the fire was in Scott's adjacent building. I feel it throughout the room where I am, "she said.

The woman, who wished to remain anonymous, said that the visitors had been evacuated but that the patients had remained. [19659006] "The manager said that there was no risk to the patients," she said.

She said that the hubbub meant that some nurses were unable to start their night shift

Paul Radden, fire and emergency communications supervisor, confirmed that the crews had witnessed a small fire that had been extinguished

[19659007] Radden stated that 30 firefighters from five fire stations firefighters who were present had left the scene around 10:40 pm and that a team of firefighters and emergency rescue had also been called to mop up the water damage caused by the sprinklers.

He has confirmed that the fire had started on the first floor of the b

The hospital spokeswoman, Mere Martin, said that she was aware of the incident and that she was waiting for information about the incident. 39, extent of the damage.

– References

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