Exclusive: High School Teachers Cancel Next Week's Strike


The Secondary Teachers' Union (TPP) has canceled the strike scheduled for next week after a day of intensive talks with the Minister of Education, according to an email sent to PPTA members.

The union had planned strike action across the country, spread over a month, during which different groups throughout the year were asked to stay home after a day of school during the month.

The tenth year was to stay home on Tuesday, June 11, a week after the first nine years, they were asked to stay at home.

Minister Chris Hipkins did not comment on Thursday night.

Teachers and the Ministry of Education are at a dead end in terms of pay and working conditions, resulting in a "mega strike" on May 29.

On Thursday morning, party leaders involved – Iona Holstead of the Ministry of Education, Chris Hipkins, Minister of Education, and the presidents and national secretaries of NZEI and the PPTA – met for discussions depth. These discussions lasted nearly 10 hours.

The parties involved issued a statement that "constructive progress has been made" during the discussions but that no further comments would likely be made before mid-week.

The planned TPP strikes for the 11th year on June 25th and 12th on July 2nd could still continue – along with the rotating strikes – if negotiations failed.


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