Finalist of the Chamber of Deputies at national awards


  Sheree Carey, Executive Director of the Southland Chamber of Commerce

Nicole Johnstone / Stuff

Sheree Carey, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce from Southland.

Sheree Carey, Executive Director of the Southland Chamber of Commerce, was named finalist in the 2018 Women of Influence Award Diversity Category.

The Women of Influence Awards, now in their sixth year, are supported by Westpac and Stuff, with honors conferred in 10 categories.

Price Judge and General Manager Stuff Sinead Boucher said that this year's event would bode well because it fell on the eve of the 125th anniversary of women's suffrage in New Zealand

After New Zealand became the first country in the world to allow all women to vote, we can now say that we have had three women prime minister and have made tremendous progress towards women. equality that women of previous generations would never have dreamed of.

"This year, we wanted to make sure that all the kiwifruit women making the difference are named, not just those who are known or successful in the business world, but who make extra efforts every day for others; they are nurses, social workers, teachers or community volunteers.

Westpac NZ CEO David McLean said it was heartening to see so many new names on the list of finalists

. different and it just reminds us that there are so many women who make their mark in their own way. It is clear that 125 years after the vote, the determination of New Zealand women to improve society is stronger than ever. I have no doubt that this group of finalists will inspire the next generation of women and men to do extraordinary things. "

The winners will be announced in September at a awards dinner in Auckland

– Stuff

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