Four-day work weeks? This is what Scottish companies think


What if the four-day week was the norm?

This week, a New Zealand company stated that its historic trial of a four-day work week had been an "unequivocal success"

in Scotland to find out whether a four-week workweek days could happen soon in a workplace near you …


The Scottish Tech Company Administrate operated for four days, 32

A great source of information. Inspiration for Canadian founder John Peebles was his childhood in China, which went from a six-day work week to five days in 1995 without losing productivity. [19659002"Nousavonsconstatéquelaproductivitéétaitinchangée-siellen'étaitpaslégèrementaméliorée-aprèslamiseenœuvredelasemainedetravaildequatrejours"adéclaréMPeebles"Notreobjectifestdebâtiruneentreprisequiapportedusuccèsànosclientsnotreéquipeetnosinvestisseursetnouscroyonsqueleshabitudesdetravaildurablesensontunélémentcléd'oùledésirdes'assurerquenotreéquipeaunéquilibreentretravailetreposNoustravaillonstoujoursincroyablementdur-etintelligemment-maisseulementpendant32heures"

L & # 39;! Administrator employs around 70 staff, including 45 in Edinburgh and about a dozen in Beirut, Lebanon and Bozeman, Montana, providing underwriting software that helps training providers manage and automate their service.

Scottish Slimmers

Scottish Slimmers, Director General of Amanda Aberleen, said: lexible work was recognized as good for business and for people, "whether it's a four-day week or a fortnight, or simply responding to family life patterns."

"In our company, 70% Boyle said," My approach has always been to facilitate the work of the best employees of the company, "

Amanda Boyle, Thinner Scottish CEO


Fraser McLean, Industrial Director of Primestaff Recruitment Firm, estimated to have worked for four days. Week "On the plus side, this could prove to be a powerful motivational tool for employers who could offer an extra day off to staff," he said. "For employees, this can help balance work and home life and allow them to spend more time with their families, while benefiting the environment with workers who commute a day less. staff would likely need to work longer days to ensure that they meet their contractual requirements and maintain their salary levels. This could affect productivity, with workers needing more breaks and more and more tired.

There would also be additional organizational requirements for employers, with many workers being able to request a holiday on Friday or Monday to extend their weekend. 19659002] "Rotas would need to be juggled to make sure the clients do not suffer," he said. "So, a four-day work week, while calling on the surface, would probably also pose many logistical problems."

Labor Law

Labor Law, Human Resources and Health & Law at Work, Security Specialist, said that a growing number of organizations were studying ways to boost employee engagement and retention.

"The flexibility offered by a four-day week ticks many boxes," said Heather Maclean.

"Work habits must meet the needs of the business and the needs of staff members, but employers must be careful not to reject an application or risk failure to comply with the rules. flexible work. "

Employees with more than 26 weeks of service have the legal right to request flexible work, regardless of the reason for the claim, said Mr. Maclean.

"An employer may reject an application for specific reasons, but must ensure that with – including The New Zealand lawsuit was conducted by the financial services company Perpetual Guardian for two months with 240 employees, who worked four hours, eight hours a day, but were paid for five days.

Auckland University of Technology academics, who evaluated the results, found that job and life satisfaction increased at all levels of home and work, with employees obtaining better results and enjoying more than before the experience.

"From my experience working with employers, and even with employees, there is rarely a unique situation," said David Hoey, a partner at BTO's law firm.

"Some companies, such as ours, need support during the work week, and often beyond, and reducing the work week would cause significant operational problems in response to customer demands. business is a good way to go from the front. "

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