Free Complete their Lunchbox Initiative for needy Kiwi children ending next month


A social enterprise created to help needy Kiwi children will give its last orders next month

Fill Their Lunchbox was created by young chef Ben Atkinson in 2015 with the idea of ​​helping children poor in Christchurch, where He lives now.

The 32-year-old man launched the idea of ​​delivering healthy lunches to a handful of low-decile schools in the area.

The company has since delivered more than 54,000 lunches to children with help By purchasing one of its lunches prepared, members of the public allow Fill Lunchbox to give two nutritious meals to needy children in Canterbury.

Atkinson took the official social media group "Sadly, heavy heart, I announce, on behalf of Fill Their Lunchbox, that from August 10, we will close our doors", a- he said.

"It's a sad announcement, but at the same time, we do not see it as a failure.It's time for us to reflect the many successes of Fill Their Lunchbox."

  The social company Fill Their Lunchbox, created in 2015, will close on August 10th. Photo / Fill their Lunchbox
established in 2015, will close on August 10th. Photo / Fill their Lunch Box

"To date, we have donated more than 54,000 lunches to Canterbury children in need.

"We were able to give them the opportunity to learn on an equal footing with other children who usually eat well every day.

"We gave them the opportunity to understand that there are people who care about them and who hope they are"

Atkinson acknowledged that those who had been behind the initiative had faced difficulties, particularly over the last year, that had proved emotionally and financially difficult.

"Some weeks I do not eat very well." Although the doors officially end in a few weeks, Atkinson said that there was hope to continue working to help do something about child poverty

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