Freedom of expression group hires QC, upholds legal battle against Auckland Council over ban on speakers


A group of pro-freedom politicians, advocates and commentators have hired a Queen's council to sue the Auckland council for banning two far-right Canadian speakers controversial to use places belonging to the city. The Free Speech Coalition has confirmed that it will begin a judicial review proceeding against the board after banning Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux from using the Bruce Mason Center, owned by the board, on the North Shore. Auckland next month.

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff said he had made the decision to deny them access to the city's sites.

  Auckland Council and Auckland Mayor Phil Goff banned both. Photo / Greg Bowker
Auckland Council and Auckland Mayor Phil Goff have banned both speakers from using city-owned venues. Photo / Greg Bowker

The coalition includes former Labor Minister Dr. Michael Bassett, former National Party Leader and Law Dr. Don Brash, the Ashley Church Chief Executive, and university lecturers.

He supports the board and, or Goff violation of freedom of expression under the New Zealand Human Rights Act and absence of political discrimination under the Rights Act of humans by denying speakers to use the place.

He stated that his $ 50,000 goal was over 50%, said Jack Hodder, senior legal counsel for the Freedom of Expression Defense Group. Photo / NZ Herald "src =" data: image / png; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAPAAAOrq6v /// yH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw == "data-srcset =" //×213/smart/filters: quality (70) / 320w, //×250/smart/filters:quality (70) / 375w, //×413/smart/filters:quality ( 70) / 620w "/>

Jack Hodder QC will act as lead counsel for the defense group of the freedom of expression Photo / NZ Herald

With the additional funds, the group hired Jack Hodder QC, to act as lead counsel.

The prosecutors will be from the special cabinet Franks Ogilvie, the group said. The group's legal team also wrote to the board to clarify what it said were "contradictory statements" in the Goff press about the decision to ban speakers, and the reasons for it. # 39; ban.

@AklCouncil should not be used to fan ethnic or religious tensions. Opinions that divide rather than unite are repugnant and I have made my point clearly on this point. Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux will not speak at any place on the Council

– Phil Goff (@phil_goff) July 6, 2018

Southern, arrived in Australia this weekend, was banned from attending. entry to the United States. UK earlier this year for its part "in the distribution of racist material in Luton", according to the BBC.

Immigration New Zealand initially asked to apply for a special visa before traveling here because of its ban in the UK, but later it could enter New Zealand as part of the Citizenship Visa Waiver Program Canadian.

  Stefan Molyneux. Photograph provided
Stefan Molyneux. Photo / Supplies

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