Geraint Thomas warns Froome that cracks in Team Sky may leave Dumoulin | sport


Geraint Thomas predicts that the 17th stage of the short but thorny Tour de France will be "massively decisive" to determine the fate of this year's yellow jersey after surviving a chaotic day during which he was the victim of A font. The 32-year-old Welshman kept a 1min 39secs lead over Team Sky teammate Chris Froome after finishing in the pack, after a day when the race was stopped for 15 minutes after farmers protested against French work. were blown by the TW1000 pepper spray by the police, which eventually drifted into the eyes of the runners. The company that produces the spray says that its "active ingredient is extracted from the hottest peppers".

During a hectic stage, Quick-Step pilot Philippe Gilbert catapulted a ravine downhill – surprisingly, he pulled his bike up, although he later withdrew with a broken kneecap – while 39; another accident near the finish deprived the British Adam Yates of a brilliant stage win while Julian Alaphilippe overtook him on the last run. Now, all eyes are turning to the 65 km stage of Bagneres-de-Luchon in Saint-Lary-Soulan, with Thomas knowing that this could make or break his chances of winning his first Tour de France. "It's going to be massively decisive – it's the first time we've made such a step, there are two good hours of climbing, which is a lot over such a short period."

There "We have to be smart with that, there's no point in going too far from the start because you can run out of legs on this last climb, which is probably the toughest climb on the tour." 39 is a big big day and it is certain that there will be splits. "

  Geraint Thomas rinses his eyes after being hit by police pepper.

Geraint Thomas rinses eyes after being hit by a police officer spray Photograph: Stéphane Mahe / Reuters

Thomas reminded Froome, who won a fifth victory on the Tour, that they had to work together or risk the prospect of Dutchman Tom Dumoulin, who is in third place, beating them both. "There is a lot of climbing at this stage, and the race has already been very difficult.We can find ourselves together running or together in front.But as long as I and Froome do not run against one another. Another, that is the main one.If we do, and Dumoulin wins, it would be a disaster. "

Thomas and Froome were among the riders affected when farmers who rolled haystacks on the The course was sprayed by the police

the eyes were burning afterwards, "says Froome." Many of the pilots were in a similar situation, so I think we were all grateful for the temporary neutralization. Fortunately, the effects did not last long but temporarily everything was painful.

Matt White, the athletic director of Mitchelton-Scott, said that protesting farmers should be hit by strong penalties. "I've never seen such a scene in my career", a- he said. "It was rather complete. We received a 30-second warning about a protest and then the protesters became a little crazy. "

Women were photographed at close range by police officers, but White insisted that the police should protect the riders.

" I think the police did a good job, "he said. he said. "Their priority was to look after horsemen, not crazy protesters. These guys are crazy. Whatever message they were trying to produce, we, as a cycling community, have nothing to do with it. Hopefully, they will be punished accordingly. "

Meanwhile, President of the International Cycling Union (UCI) David Lappartient responded to Sir Dave Brailsford following his comments on Monday that spitting and booing on the runners was a" French thing ". clearly frustrated, told reporters: "First, there are not only French fans on the tour. They come from everywhere, and I do not think it's healthy to talk about nationalities. And this is happening as we are trying to call the fans to be calm, to make sure that the runners – their runners – … and especially Chris Froome, are respected. Brailsford pours oil on the fire. This is not very good. "

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