Government divided on the national target without tobacco



Winston Peters says that high excise taxes have resulted in more theft of dairy products.

The government is divided on the flagship goal "Smokefree 2025", Winston Peters called "National Bulldust Party"

The goal is being reviewed and the The government is reconsidering the strategy to achieve this. 19659006] But officials are divided on whether the ambitious goal Smokefree 2025 is achievable.

The government led by the National Party adopted the goal in March 2011, in response to the recommendations of a parliamentary inquiry by the Maori Affairs Select Committee.

However, a new report from the Ministry of Health and experts say that the government was not able to achieve this goal.

Health Minister David Clark said the country is still on the right track. He added that Smokefree 2025 actually means that 95% of New Zealand, or more, would be smoke-free – not 100%. But Health Minister Jenny Salesa, who was responsible for tobacco and tobacco, said the goal was not achievable for some groups, including Maori and Pasifika

. did not exclude the extension of the target date, as part of the government's strategy in the future.

Meanwhile, interim Prime Minister Winston Peters said that the goal was never achievable and that it would never be

. You know, let's be honest with people. "

Peters said that if you were to extend a target, it meant that the target had failed

" It's like moving goal posts and taking $ 2 billion – plus one year "[19659015] In the meantime, Health Minister David Clark says the government still intends to meet “aspirational target”.” title=”” src=”×349.1qxp68.png/1532391999464.jpg” class=”photoborder”/>


Meanwhile, Health Minister David Clark says The government The government still raises $ 1.7 billion a year from tobacco taxes and spends 2.5% of that on trying to stop them.

Decline in smoking did not occur, Peters

The Department of Health report revealed that New Zealand should miss the key milestones of 2018, which should lower the daily prevalence of smoking at 10 percent. Maori and Pacific: half of their 2011 levels.

Smoking rates dropped to 13.8% overall, but the report indicates that New Zealand will likely be missing out. goal for Maori of "wide margin". Maori smoking rates were 39.2%. Successive price increases have seen this decline of 17%, to 32.5% – far from the 50% target.

Over the past few days, Peters has also targeted tobacco excise taxes, saying that they did not reduce smoking, he added that higher costs resulted in assaults and murders. of dairy owners.

In the meantime, only 3% of profits were spent on smoking cessation initiatives.

  Winston Peters says Smokefree 2025 is


Winston Peters says Smokefree 2025 is "Bulldust National Party".

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