Hawaii banned certain types of sunscreen


  The Governor of Hawaii signs a law banning sunscreens to protect coral reefs.

The Governor of Hawaii signs a law banning sunscreens to protect coral reefs.
Photo: Governor Ige

A bill to ban certain types of sunscreens in Hawaii was signed as part of coral reef protection efforts.

Governor of Hawaii David Ige signed the He said that scientific studies have documented the negative impact of these chemicals on corals and other forms of marine life. Some of the most beautiful natural resources on the planet, but our natural environment is fragile and our own interaction with the land can have eternal impacts and this bill is a small step, little first step, around the world to really worry of our corals and "

Governor Ige stated that banned sunscreens would still be available to patients prescribed to them by health care providers.

He said that Hawaiians can use sunscreens made from other ingredients. [ad_2]
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