Health technologies will boost the shift to the preventive model


The advancement of technology in healthcare will enable the world's population to generate and process their own data, revolutionizing our vision of health care and evolving into a more preventative model, experts said.

Prof. Niall Moyna, of the Center of Preventative Medicine at Dublin City University, said that although technology is the root cause of many health problems – helping people be less active – it could help fight levels. " frightening "health literacy in Ireland.

"It's empowering. Until now, there was what is called asymmetric information. Until now, the doctor had everything. The doctor had the monopoly on all the information, "he said. "Technology has put us in this mess. It's the digital age that has turned our lives into activity. The other side of the coin is that we are now starting to use technology to take control of our own health. "


Professor Moyna compared it to the introduction of the printing press in 1440. "In the space of 100 years, there were books and libraries all over the world," he said. he declared. "Digital technology will have the same transformative effect 500 years later. This will radically transform the world as we know it. In 15 to 20 years, you will ingest a pill that will measure all the internal physiological processes of your body and that will be sent in real time on your phone. "

A study conducted by Behaviors & Attitudes on the health of the Irish population found that 13% of adults did not exercise during the week, just over one-third did more than three and a half hours a week, the youngest being less well off. mental stress, depression and seasonal illness.

The research was published as Irish Life introduced a new health app to encourage people to make small changes that improve their well-being. The My Life app rewards users who achieve their goals and gets results, such as the number of steps, and the number of steps, in exchange for points that can be redeemed for rewards such as discounts on Fitbits . Users have an overall health score that can be improved by, among other things, making small changes to their diet, sleep and physical activity.

"Irish Life is dedicated to helping people build a better tomorrow," said David Harney, Chief Executive Officer of Irish Life. "My life offers everyone, not just Irish Life customers, everything they need to better understand their own health with a view to improving it."

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