High tides, strong winds and heavy rains: the North Island is preparing for a violent winter storm



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Auckland and Coromandel could withstand the shock of a severe winter storm that would hit the North Island Saturday night

Meteorologist Metservice April Clark said that a northern low pressure system could bring heavy rains and wind gusts of more than 100kmh. in Auckland, from Saturday evening with a time that should worsen Sunday

"At this point, there is some uncertainty as to where the worst will happen but for the time being. Auckland and Coromandel the worst Sunday morning. "

Severe weather could cause damage to power lines as well as flooding in low-lying coastal areas.

READ MORE: Flood Warning in the Auckland Coastal Areas during the Weekend

NZTA Media Director, Darryl Walker, said that ################################################################################# He was keeping a close watch on the Auckland highways for signs of flooding, and certain parts of the North Shore system were particularly at risk.

between Esmonde Road and Onewa Road towards Auckland City, as some of the lanes are prone to flooding. "

Auckland Transportation spokesman, Mark Hannan, said the main concern was Tamaki Drive. ] "We are quite used to flooding in this area, but we have contractors waiting in case that happens."

Hannan said that there were emergency plans in place for buses that circulate in the area. have a plan to hijack buses if needed and if someone travels to the area tomorrow, they can check the AT page on twitter for updates. "

Heavy rains are also forecast for Gisborne and Plenty Bay in the east of Opotoki Sunday afternoon until early Monday morning

Strong winds and rain Rain is also expected over much of the North Island and North Island of South

Auckland provides crews waiting for response to any network. Vector network director, Andre Botha, said the public should be aware of potential hazards throughout the region.

"Trees that come into contact with lines and cars collide with power poles. Wet conditions are the two possibilities when the worst weather arrives in Auckland, especially on the East Coast and Waiheke Island

"People should put garden furniture and trampolines, as well as any loose material around from the garden like tarpaulins. they all have the potential to be dangerous during the storm. "

Vector had added an extra crew to deal with potential failures.

" Our teams are ready to intervene as soon as possible, "Botha said.

Vector also advised anyone using medical equipment that relied on electricity to prepare for power outages and if there was an immediate threat to health , contact her health care provider or call 111.

The defense spokeswoman said her Auckland emergency management team kept in touch with MetService to monitor the situation.

"If a flood occurs, people are reminded not to go through floods."

High tide, which is expected to be 3 meters high, is expected to hit Auckland at 8:53 am Sunday, which Clark says could lead to flooding in coastal areas.

"Anyone on the east coast of Northland until the Bay of Plenty should be prepared for the risk of flooding."

Clark says the combination of the king and northeast tides was unusual for most winter storms.

MetService urges people in these areas to keep abreast of forecasts, as some parts may be updated to give a full warning, and other areas will likely be placed under surveillance .

The coastal regions of Coromandel are warned of high winds and potential floods at weekends.

Residents of low-lying areas, such as Kaiaua and Miranda, must plan ahead, said Waikato Regional Council Hazard Team Leader Rick Liefting.

Auckland Emergency Management warns of flooding in coastal areas because a weather system could coincide with the big tides of Sunday

  Wind and wind are on the way so get out and enjoy the Saturday if you can.


Ran and the wind are on the way so get out and enjoy the Saturday if you can.

The Civil Defense Organization warned travelers to take extra precautions along the coast, to consider the travel routes and never to cross the floodwaters.

Uncertain as to speed and depth of Sunday, heavy rain could reach warning criteria in Northland, Auckland, including Great Barrier Island, Coromandel Peninsula, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne and Nelson (especially north-west of Nelson), and this threat persists next Monday for these areas except Northland.

In expectation of Monday, there could be more rain warnings in Hawkes Bay, Marlborough Sounds and the coast and the Kaikōura Ranges

To add to the misery, the blows of east wind about the northern half of the northern island, from Taranaki, Taihape and Gisborne to the north

Meanwhile, there is a low confidence of the strong winds of 39, is for Whanganui, north-west of Nelson and Buller on Sunday

Monday, the flow should turn to the southwest when the low-pressure system will move to the east of New Zealand


In Auckland Cloudy with an occasional downpour that could increase throughout the day, while northeasterly winds are expected to strengthen. A maximum of 16 degrees Celsius

Northeast winds should also resume in Hamilton later in the day, bringing cloudy periods and possible showers – a maximum of 15C.

Tauranga predicts cloud showers and occasional showers when northeasterly winds accumulate – 16C

The morning showers of Wellington should disappear as the northern winds disappear spells increase, a maximum of 14 ° C

Christchurch a good start to the day but with a morning freeze. Northeast winds could resume, a maximum of 12C is expected.

And a beautiful day is expected at Dunedin after a high cloud in the morning. However, northeast winds could develop in the afternoon – 12C.

– Stuff

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