How to "Ask Angela" could save you from unwanted sexual contact


As you prepare for a first appointment, you can have everything sorted out – you look good, you feel good, you have your car keys, your phone and your wallet.

But do you have a plan to put in case you need bail if you become extremely uncomfortable? It's Where Angela Could Be Useful

Ask For Angela is an initiative where people can ask for an Angela that does not exist if they start to feel bad about their situation.

Two years ago, posters were launched in the United Kingdom. Pubs where the woman could ask Angela if they felt uncomfortable with their date.

It's now a global initiative, and it should soon be rolled out in New Zealand – a move that the kiwi bar staff says is very late.

Fiona McNamara, of the Sexual Abuse Prevention Network, told Three's The Project that it was about providing a way out for someone who drank at a bar and who felt a particular sexual aggression from someone with whom he was with him

They can go to the bar staff and ask, "Hey, does Angela work tonight? And they can go out and have the conversation that they must have in a private area. "

She said that if it was really serious, she was hoping that the bar staff would ring the police – but if it was a Mrs. 1965 [Traduction]

The solution might even be as simple as arranging that person's return home, says Ms. McNamara

Look at the complete story with the project team in the video above.


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