How to check your email with Amazon Alexa


First, you need to connect your email account to Alexa.

  • Download the latest Alexa app for iPhone or Android.
  • Tap the menu button at the top left of the screen.
  • Choose "Settings".
  • Select "Email and Calendar". (If you only see an option for "Calendar", check that your application is updated.)
  • Press the "+" button to add an account.
  • Select Google or Microsoft (Choose Microsoft for / Hotmail or
  • Log in with your username and password.
  • Then, if you wish, you can add an option to add a signature "Sent by Alexa". You might want to do that, in case you answer by voice and the transcript is not very clear. At least people will know that you have not typed gibberish.

Now you can ask Alexa to read your email. You can either say "check my email" or "read my email", both work equally well.

It will start by saying how many unread messages you have. Then it will start browsing from the most recent, starting with the sender and the subject line. When I asked Alexa to check my email, for example, she said, "For Todd, you have 35 unread emails in the last 24 hours." From the Philadelphia Museum of Art, delivery free from $ 25. "

Then three options came up to me: Alexa could read the entire email, respond to it, archive it or delete it. I asked Alexa to delete the message. It worked and I noticed that the email had been removed from my Gmail inbox on my computer. I also tested an answer and found that it had been sent to my Gmail mailing box.

However, I could not compose a new email from Alexa. When I tried to say "Alexa, send an email to Steve," for example, he only sent a voice message to the Alexa app from my publisher instead of & # 39; 39, an email sent to his Gmail account. I would also like there to be other options like "reporting spam".

In addition, although Alexa reads, it is rather tedious to read several emails. I had the impression of going through a huge voicemail inbox, which I do not like doing.

But this might be helpful to quickly check your emails while you prepare, or possibly to listen to and respond to emails while driving with Echo Auto from Amazon, which should be launched in the coming months.

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