How to get an unlimited gasoline discount of 10 cents per liter


It is now time to refuel at a low price, with a discounted gas station offering unlimited discounts of 10 cents per liter.

But you will have to enter quickly, with the offer ending on Friday.

Until Friday noon this week, Gull is offering a 10 cents per liter discount on participating sites, with no minimum purchase and no maximum limit.

"We thought of asking clients to walk around the kids by rubbing their belly and banging their heads to get the discount, but we decided it just took people's precious time," said the director. General Gull, Dave Bodger.

"Most of our giant oil opponents have a minimum purchase in order to qualify for this discount.You must have a piece of plastic to qualify for the discount, and the reduction is limited to an equivalent number of liters.

"We love your habit, whether you're a motorcycle, need a little extra, or want to fill the boat or truck with a few hundred gallons." At Gull, you all benefit from a reduction."

In Gull outlets, where it controls retail prices in the North Island, average prices will be only $ 1.995 for $ 91 and $ 2.145 for $ 98.

If you're ready to make the trip, the lowest gasoline outside Auckland is Atiamuri, which offers 91 for $ 1.857 a liter.


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