Huawei 5G: everything you need to know


The Government Communications Security Office (GCSB) has rejected the use offered by telco Spark Huawei equipment in its new 5G network, citing risks to national security. Here is everything you need to know about it.

No legend.


What happened?

The GCSB has blocked Spark's proposal to use its equipment in the new 5G network and the Chinese technology company now wants an urgent meeting with the government.

The 5G network is the fifth generation of mobile cellular communications. It replaces 4G, 3G and 2G systems and offers faster and more reliable Internet connections.

The telecommunications operator said on Wednesday that it will review the reasoning before considering new steps.

Spark has promised to deploy the network by 2020.

Why was it refused?

GCSB Minister Andrew Little said the decision to deny the network provider abroad was due to too risky technology, not to a Chinese company.

Mr. Little will not reveal what significant risks to Huawei's national security poses by saying that the information has been classified.

But he said the decision had nothing to do with Huawei's close ties with the Chinese government.

"It is not necessarily the supplier but the technology that it wants to introduce, of its nature, which differs from the technology currently used in our telecommunication networks."

Mr. Little pointed out that it was not a "hard no" on Huawei and that it was up to Spark to see what steps could be taken to mitigate the assessed risks.

Watch the GCSB Minister, Andrew Little, explain the decision regarding Morning report:

However, National Party leader Simon Bridges said, "Huawei is one of the best in the game in this game. So it's important to include it in the tenders that the Sparks products of this world have. a real effect on quality and price.

"If there is no evidence, we should, I think, use them.

"I have not seen any guns smoking, I have seen no evidence that tells me that it is necessary to ban, as we have seen in Australia and in one or two other countries.

Why is it important?

It is feared that this decision will damage relations between New Zealand and its main trading partner, China.

Political commentators have also warned that this decision could have major consequences on Aotearoa 's tourism and education sectors.

Andrew Bowater, Deputy General Manager of Huawei New Zealand, said the most important impact of this decision would be on consumers, in terms of technology and price, due to lack of competition.

The situation abroad

The decision of the GCSB comes as Western countries are increasingly wary of what they say is a possible involvement of the Chinese government in mobile communication networks and other fifth generation. Huawei has repeatedly said that Beijing has no influence over her.

Earlier this year, neighboring Australia had banned Huawei from supplying 5G equipment, also citing security risks. Last week, the Wall Street Journal announced that the US government was trying to persuade companies from allied countries to avoid Huawei.

Huawei's answer

Huawei repeatedly denied having engaged in intelligence activities for any government and requested an urgent meeting with him.

In a statement, Andrew Bowater, Deputy General Manager of Huawei New Zealand, said the company had not received any official notification or contact from the GCSB.

"We have no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Huawei and we strongly reject the idea that our activities threaten New Zealand in any way whatsoever. our voice and respond in good faith to any concerns, "said Mr. Bowater.

"Since it was established in New Zealand in 2005, Huawei has always worked in good faith with the government and other players in the industry.We believe that our participation in the telecommunications sector has been beneficial to the economy, the companies and consumers in New Zealand. "

Speaking in Beijing yesterday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang expressed "serious concerns" and said that Sino-New Zealand trade relations are mutually beneficial and beneficial to all. parts.

"We hope that the New Zealand government will provide an environment of fair competition to Chinese companies operating in New Zealand and will do more to build confidence and bilateral cooperation," he said at a conference in New Zealand. daily press.

Under the Telecommunications (Interception and Security Capability) Act 2013 (TICSA), any telecommunications carrier wishing to integrate new technologies into its network must notify the GCSB, which then conducts an assessment.

History of society with New Zealand

Huawei has been involved in other telecommunications systems in New Zealand, such as its 4G mobile network, and is investing NZ $ 400 million in research and development.

Mr. Little stated that each decision on telecommunications technology was made separately under the telecommunications and security legislation.

"The difference between 5G networks and conventional 4G and 3G networks lies in the configuration of the technology," said Mr. Little. "With 5G technology, every component of the 5G network provides access to all parts of the network."

This echoed Australian concerns that, with 5G, it was difficult to limit the suppliers considered to be high risk for the less sensitive components of a network.

Spark's rival, 2degrees, said he took note of the decision and "seek clarification".

"The importance of the presence of multiple suppliers to ensure price competitiveness is still valid.If this announcement has a similar impact on 2degrees, it will be a real disappointment to the competition," said Mathew Bolland, head of the corporate division at 2degrees. Reuters.

Vodafone New Zealand Ltd declined to comment on the case to Reuters.

What technology experts say

Adam Boileau, Senior Security Consultant at Insomnia Security, said that the GCSB's decision was not a surprise.

He said that Mr. Little's comments that it was technology and not politics did not make much sense.

"It's not really worth considering these risks without considering what they would serve."

On safety issues, Mr. Boileau said that there was no clear answer.

He said that the technology architecture of 5G was not so different from the other networks we already have.

"These risks exist with existing networks, but it is very difficult for the government to intervene and say," You have to tear up your work network, "as opposed to being able to embark on the design phase. They saw.

"This is what the legislator has the right to do for the moment – they can not really stand up and destroy the existing networks."

He said he saw no evidence that Huawei's technology had been compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.

Mr. Boileau said he did not have specific information about Huawei, but that, if you talk to people working in the engineering business, the quality of Huawei's engineering is actually rather good.

"We have not yet seen the Chinese use it."

– RNZ / Reuters

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