Hunter Macdonald convicted of violating Wellington Water Whirler sculpture


The vandal who broke Len Lye's waterfront sculpture in Wellington pled guilty to willful damage.

Police indicted Hunter Macdonald, a 28-year-old Wellington resident, after destroying the Water Whirler sculpture in October.

The images posted on Facebook show him swaying on the "Water Whirler" sculpture that leans over the water. Crossing the sculpture, it breaks and falls to the water.

Wellington Mayor Justin Lester said RNZ the sculpture cost more than a million dollars to install.

Macdonald claims to have never seen a sign saying not to climb to the statue and was "bored" when he decided to switch on it.

"I decided to stop and try somehow some kind of gymnastics and acrobatics on sculpture," Macdonald said. Things.

"A crowd began to form, exciting me somehow – I think they liked to watch it – I was somehow bringing it over and over again. .. before I know it, the sculpture broke so suddenly [and] fell hard on my head. "

Macdonald was treated at the hospital for injuries. The insurance will cover the repair costs of the sculpture.

He will be sentenced next year, while the cost of repair is still sought.


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