"I hope you have a very painful toothache": the explosion of the Auckland DHB limb to the anti-fluoride activists


  Robyn Northey is engaged in a feed of comments in response to a press release posted on the Fluoride Free Facebook page. ..


Robyn Northey is engaged in a discussion in response to a press release posted on the Fluoride Free Facebook page this week.

A member of the Auckland District Health Board wished "a very painful toothache" to a group of anti-flouride activists.

The decision of the Supreme Court on June 27th confirmed the explosion of the South Taranaki District Council's right to add fluoride to the region's water supply.

Robyn Northey, a member of the Auckland Health Council and former dental nurse, disagrees with the Fluoride Free NZ press release posted on her Facebook page regarding the decision.

Northey began by saying that as a qualified health professional, she had seen the difference in health.

* Supreme Court decision on fluoride in water is welcome
* Taranaki Council wins legal battle of Supreme Court to fluoride in the water

  The Facebook comment made by Robyn Northey and his response.


Facebook comment made by Robyn Northey

Fluoride Free NZ filed a complaint with the Auckland District Health Board about this comment

Water fluoridation is the most Controlled addition of fluoride to a public water supply to reduce tooth decay.

Allowing fluoridation in southern Taranaki has dealt a blow to anti-fluoride groups, which argue that it is mandatory mass drugs and in violation of human rights.

However, in a majority decision, the court ruled that

A DHB spokesperson stated that tooth decay was the most common chronic and irreversible disease in New Zealand.

"Many health professionals find the negative effects of the absence of fluoride in a diet."

Spokesperson said Northey was taking part in the online debate in a personal capacity

The Medical Council maintains social media guidelines for health professionals, but a spokeswoman for The Council said the guidelines do not apply to DHB members. [19659007] Northey declined to comment.

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