Jaguares can leap from anywhere in the park, says Lions defense coach


JOHANNESBURG – They may not be as deadly as Crusaders, Hurricanes or Chiefs, but Jaguars are just as dangerous with a ball in hand and will give the Lions one of their biggest defensive challenges this season. the Super Rugby Quarterfinals at Ellis Park Saturday

It is the opinion of Joey Mongalo, the defense coach, who stated that the men of Argentina would be in full confidence after playing the dams for the first time. The Lions defeated Jaguares 47-27 at Ellis Park in the second round of the competition, but Mongalo said things would be very different this time around.

"They have certainly gained momentum as the competition continues, 100%," says Mongalo. "Moreover, the fact that they played rugby together in June also gave them continuity, despite the loss of these tests, but their victory outside Super Rugby ( against the Rebels, Brumbies, Blues and Chiefs on consecutive weekends) would have been massive for their confidence.And now that we enter our game at the end of a three-week trip to South Africa, they would have acclimatized and will be able to shoot all the cylinders. "In 1965, the rugby in play-off does not mean anything" Mongalo, referring to the fact that the Jaguares are in the match of Saturday on the back of the defeats to the Bulls and Sharks. "That will have no impact on how they are going, nor how we are going to go, having won this past weekend. This match is about 80 minutes and who has the desire and the will and who best performs his skills on the day. The forms book was sent last week. "

Mongalo said that the style of attack adopted by the Argentines would test the Lions throughout their defensive system, something that not too many teams do in Super Rugby." Look, the Jaguars are a very good side; they have the most gate and number of passes in the competition, and we expect them to keep the ball a bit

"What makes them different from other teams, it's their game tempo, they thrive on a fastball.In addition, there is unpredictability in their game and you're never resting until you're n & # 39; You do not have the ball in your hands, they are dangerous because of the ball, they run from all sides and they like to handle the ball through many phases as well. "

But Mongalo felt the fear of the weekend. Last weekend against the Bulls, who went 12-0 in the first 20 minutes (before losing 38-12), was the perfect preparation for what they are Saturday. "The Bulls scared us and, in a way, helped us prepare for the Jaguars in the sense that they keep the ball through the phases." It was good for our confidence to get through and not to collect points again. "

Unsurprisingly, the Lions defense guru singled out Jaguares half-calf Nicolas Sanchez as the key figure on his team. "He is the pivot and most of their business is based around him.They all flourish by playing with him when they are on the first foot, escaping from his shoulder, and we are going to have to try but the Jaguaras have more than Sanchez, they are also dangerous in the big canals, their outer backs are lethal and they counter-attack strongly, which is why I say we need to take an approach holistic in defense in this game. They will test us everywhere. "

The Star

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