Kiwis reveal their worst secret Santa gifts


Secret Santa can be fun if you get the person you were hoping for in the draw and if you have colleagues or friends with a flair for choosing the perfect gift.

However, Secret Santa can also be a real disappointment. As at that time, Pam, from the front desk, gave you a ceramic zebra that was supposed to grow grass – but it was chipped and grass came out everywhere. You always knew that Pam did not like you.

With the holiday theme coming to the minds of people, ZM's Fletch, Vaughan and Megan spoke live about some of the really unbearable gifts they've received.

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The subject became hot, Fletch admitting that he hated spending money on other people and that he hated the secret Santa Claus concept.

The ZM crew went to their Facebook page to ask the nation, "What is the worst Santa Claus gift you've ever received?"

The answers were really hilarious. Here is our top 10:

1. "A selection of nuts … I am super allergic to nuts"

2. "A mom's dress that was her size"

3. "A gift that I offered them last year for the secret Santa"

4. "A block of wood with Cadbury written on it with a sharpie, that is to say a block of Cadbury"

5. "My dad, the secret of work, was worth a string of size 10, while I was 18 size. The worst thing was that he had a price and that it cost $ 5 from the Salvation Army "

6. "A shoe box full of expired protein shake packs"

7. "Three partially used balms"

8. "A bottle of wine when I was pregnant"

9. "A bundle of hair bands"

10. "Nothing, work forgot to inscribe my name"

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