McDonald's Distributes 25,000 Free Big Macs to Mark Burger's 50th Anniversary


  McDonald's distributes 25,000 Big Macs today in honor of the 50th anniversary of the hamburger [19659004] CHRISTEL YARDLEY / STUFF </span>
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McDonald's gives 25,000 Big Macs today in honor of the 50th anniversary of the hamburger.

Business was dynamic but not chaotic, while fast-food giant McDonald's distributed 25,000 burgers on Monday, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Big Mac.

The gift had already caused an influx of customers in chain stores at 11am.

McDonald's spokesperson, Simon Kenny, said the burgers were "half-gone" and only available to those who had downloaded the McDonald's app.

"We serve about 1.5 million people a week, so if you think about it that way, 25,000 is only a small fraction," said Kenny

* McDonald's NZ was born in Porirua 40 years ago with queues
* Can you afford to eat McDonald's six days a week? week?

New Zealand has the highest per capita figures for McDonald's in the world. and Australia, with a restaurant estimated at 27,000 Kiwis.

  McDonald's serves 1.5 million kiwis a week, says spokesman Simon Kenny.


McDonald's serves 1.5 million kiwis a week, according to spokesman Simon Kenny.

However, in recent years, McDonald's and other takeaway chains have been battered by obesity activists. Behind Mexico and the United States, New Zealand has the highest incidence of obesity in the OECD.

According to an estimate by the OECD, obesity costs New Zealand about $ 1 billion a year and has a significant impact on the life of someone.

Jack Townend, one of McDonald's most loyal customers' food chain for a two-year period where he ate a double cheeseburger combo about six days a week.

  UCol student Jack Townend cut his habit of eating McDonald's takeaways up to six times a week.


UCOL student Jack Townend cut his habit of eating up to six McDonald's dishes

But last year Townend has changed and said that he "almost never bought" McDonald's for health and economic reasons.

He felt that the purchase of a new energy-consuming car had something to do with the change and even with a free burger on the table, Townend said it would not be directed towards driving today.

"My priorities have changed, I had to become more economical with my hamburger," he said.

  It was revealed that the usual Maccas order of the American president is two Big Macs, a Fish O Filet and a shake.

It was revealed that the usual Maccas order of the American president is two Big Mac, a Filet O Fish and a shake

The Big Mac debuted in the franchise of the fast food chain in Baltimore, in Maryland 50 years ago, after a local franchisee imagined the recipe.

McDonald's opened its doors in New Zealand at Porirua on June 7, 1976, with a line that revolved around the block for most of the day.

The original menu featured a Big Mac much cheaper than today, at 75c. At the time, Quarter Pounders and Filet-O-Fish were sold in 65c, cheeseburgers 40c and hamburgers 30c

"Big Mac Index" by The Economist found that January, the burger was the most expensive in Switzerland. New Zealand was the tenth most expensive place to buy a Big Mac when it was weighted against the US dollar.

To mark the milestone, the fast food chain had also created a "Big Big Mac Burger" which was a larger version of the classic.

Porirua McDonald's general manager, Zac Henderson, said the lines were not quite out on Monday, but that they were longer than usual.

"In the morning, we are normally pretty quiet, but today we get a lot of Big Macs instead of anything in the breakfast menu."

– Stuff

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