Michael Schumacher> feels the people who surround him: German Archbishop


According to a German archbishop, Michael Schumacher apparently


According to a German archbishop, Michael Schumacher apparently "felt" the people around him.

Michael Schumacher's face is more "full" and he "feels that loving people surround him," revealed a German archbishop.

The state of Schumacher would remain largely unchanged, but he "feels that loving people surround him," says Georg Gänswein.

The archbishop visited the Swiss home of the Formula 1 champion seven times in 2016, three years after being brain injured while skiing in France.

Michael Schumacher, photographed after his last Formula 1 race in Brazil in 2012.


Michael Schumacher, photographed after his last Formula 1 race in Brazil in 2012.

Schumacher spent six months in a coma as a result of the accident. Since then he has been cared for at home, with little information on his condition.

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Gänswein said that Schumacher's face had "become a little fuller", but otherwise, his appearance had not changed.

"I sat in front of him, took my hands and looked at him," said the 62-year-old Catholic leader, according to Bild.

"He feels loving people are around him, taking care of him and, thank God, keeping the audience too curious."

Schumacher, who turns 50 in January, apparently dreams of disappearing from public life before banging his head against a rock and opening his helmet.

Its manager, Sabine Kehm, made the request in 2016, although her comments have only recently been published.

"Once in a long discussion, Michael told me," You do not need to call me for next year, I disappear. "

"I think it was his secret dream to be able to do that one day, which is why now I always want to protect his desires by not letting anything out."

Schumacher's son, Mick, recently recalled his favorite "dad moments" for a German documentary.

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