Minister rejects deaths from meningococcal disease | Scoop News


Minister rejects deaths from meningococcal disease

The Minister of Health today rejected the deaths due to
the current epidemic of meningococci and categorized the
outbreak as a "slight increase" in the disease,
Dr. Shane Reti, associate spokesperson for Health, said.

"The minister tried to reject the death of the victim.
the current epidemic by saying "people have died of
meningococcal … this is happening. 'It's a callous
and absolutely horrendous description of a deadly disease
which has caused devastation in a number of communities.

"The meningococcal epidemic that the minister has known
described as a "slight increase" of cases has been identified
update of the vaccination by the Ministry of Health as
hatching as early as May this year.

"It's six
months before the publication of the official notice. This gave
government a considerable time to ask and start a
answer and yet, by his own admission, the minister
He was not aware of the answer until last week.

"Epidemics do not happen overnight and it's very
clear that there were warnings about this for months before
everything was done by the minister. In fact, two of
deaths occurred in Northland after the month of May when the department
reported the epidemic.

"David Clark himself
yesterday in Parliament that he had "been made aware
concerned about meningococcal W & # 39; and yet he
chose not to act. Due to the seriousness of the disease,
should have taken measures months earlier.

The Ministry of Health document also specifically mentions that
the two meningococcal vaccines available in New Zealand that
protect against strain W are not funded by the state for
most people – highlighting in May that
supplies would be difficult to obtain in relation to an audience
funded vaccine.

"All this adds to the fact
that the Minister of Health should have known and acted
answer to this much earlier. He must be frank about what he
knew, and when and why he did not ask for an answer to
earlier so that the public can judge how badly it has botched
the treatment of this fatal epidemic. "

Document at the Ministry of Health
Update of the May 2018 vaccination highlighting the
Meningococcal epidemic available here.

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