Police issued a warrant for the arrest of a man allegedly involved in a shootout in the Stokes Valley.
Duane Edward Huaki, 39, possession of a firearm after a shooting on George St, Stokes Valley, on Tuesday, June 26.
Huaki was allegedly involved in the shooting, and was wanted by the police over the past nine days.
The Detective Tim Leitch says Huaki, who is 174cm tall and is of medium height, can be unpredictable and needs to be approached with caution.
* The victim of the Stokes Valley shootout was released from rifle bullets
* The Lower Hutt shooter is still free after the man has shot in the chest
* Wounded man in Lower Hutt
A 36-year-old man survived a chest shot after a minor operation and two nights at the hospital.
On Wednesday, the same 36-year-old man and a 30-year-old woman were arrested and charged with illegal possession of a firearm and illegal possession of ammunition.
The couple appeared in the Lower Hutt District Court on Thursday.
"This incident demonstrates the significant increase in incidents involving firearms in recent times and concerns the police. We want to reassure the community that we are doing what we can to apprehend Mr. Huaki," Leitch said. in a statement
. ] "We acknowledge public concern about this incident and continue to follow positive lines of inquiry: everyone in the community deserves to be safe and feel safe."
Lots neighbors were talking about Stuff on June 28th.
A neighbor complains about making frequent calls to the police and authorities – up to 70 calls in recent years – to denounce anti-social activities on the street.
"You must mention the word" weapon "for"
Another neighbor said the shooting was "long overdue".
Anyone with information about Huaki's whereabouts should contact the police on 111, or through Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
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